Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Read the Bible with Your Family

Something special is on the horizon.
And you and your family can play a part!
Perhaps you know the National Day of Prayer is coming up on May 6. But did you also know there is a Bible reading marathon happening the 24 hours prior to the May 6 activities?

Beginning at 11:00am on May 5, and continuing through 10:00am on May 6, the entire New Testament is going to be read aloud within the city of Lansing. People will read for 15-minute segments from the Capitol Building, a downtown church, and from their own homes.
Readers are still needed between 2:30pm and 6pm on May 5 at the Capitol, and between 1am and 8am on May 6. The 1am-8am readings will happen in individual homes. Our hope is that some families will read together. Perhaps spouses, or parents and older children, would be willing to wake up and read to one another during the over-night shift!
This reading marathon was a wonderful event last year and we trust it will be this year, too.
God's Word is powerful!

If you would like to sign up to read, or just have questions, please leave a comment with your contact information, or click here to email me.



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